Creating a Gratitude Practice for Your Skin
Haley, EGB’s Social Media Manager with her mom - nothing to hide here other than some authentic smiles!
Did you know practicing skin gratitude in your daily rituals is just as important as your home care routine? As Dr. Wayne Dyer says,
“Change the way we look at things and the things we look at will change."
Creating a daily practice around mindfulness and meditation for your home care is simple and is a more holistic approach to our beauty routine. This practice will encourage us to change our mind set around beauty and ourselves. Here are a few simple ways you can practice Skin Care Gratitude.
1. How we speak to our bodies and face:
This is paying attention to the words or thoughts we use when we look in the mirror. Do you look in the mirror and celebrate your appearance or look at yourself and wish away parts unique to you? I encourage you to look in the mirror and celebrate 2 things. Those wrinkles are from smiling and that mole on your cheek, from playing outside in the sun. There’s no need to curse these things or cover them up. They are a part of you.
For years, women have hid their bare, natural skin, covering it up with layers of makeup - the foundation, followed by the powder, followed by the blush and more. This was normal; think of Julia Roberts in 1990’s Pretty Woman - always in layers of makeup on her face and pantyhose on her legs, hoping to make the perfect impression. The past norm was to hide skin’s flaws in hopes of pretending perfection.
Skin positivity is a fairly new idea. Instead of hiding behind makeup, it’s becoming more common to show authenticity with your skin - this means showing off those sun spots, wrinkles and imperfections. “This has been an amazing bit of progress as society has begun to let go of shame and embarrassment over natural things. There is no longer the overwhelming view that certain, normal conditions with the skin are problematic and something to be ashamed of. As people begin to seek peace and gratitude for their skin in its natural state, they are freed from unhealthy obsessions with perfection over their appearance.” source
2. Make sure your skin routine is aligned with your beliefs and lifestyle:
Many of our routines are focused on wellness, this doesn’t need to stop when it comes to skin. Our overall well-being can be centered around healthy habits like diets or exercise, this doesn’t need to stop when it comes to skin.
Show up for your skin by only using natural, holistic, cruelty-free high quality beauty. Since our products are not full of fillers a little bit go a long way. Our skin is our largest organ and everything we put on it digest back into the body. I always tell my guests, "Do you want to be the fresh produce section or the processed food aisle?" Our products should create health, maintenance, improve texture and tone as well as help us age more gracefully in our bodies.
Listen to your skin. If a product doesn’t agree with your skin, try something different! Skin care is an ever changing routine, that requires adjustments, based on the season or changes in your lifestyle. A daily moisturizer with SPF like Lavender Protective Moisturizer SPF 17 might be the right fit for summer, whereas something like Calendula Essential Hydrating Cream would be a good switch to make for winter.
3. Creating daily, weekly and monthly skin, body and soul rituals to maintain overall health:
Step back and commit to investing in yourself. Maybe an extra 15 minutes in the morning to meditate, do yoga or sip tea is a good way to start your day. Your skin is an external indicator of internal health and internal health is all encompassing - from what you eat to your mental health. Take time, slow down and commit to yourself and making choices in your routine.
While some will use their skin care routine as a mental reset, others will sneak it in at a time of multitasking. I have clients who will do a face mask routine while reading a book or watching tv. Others will do it during meditation or a bath. I’ve even had some busy moms do it while cooking dinner. Whatever works best for you, really.
4. Relieving stress and regulating the nervous system:
I always tell my guests to remember this quote when dealing with skin imbalances like acne, psoriasis, eczema and irritation. Studies have shown that creating regular and healthy gratitude routines can change the state of mind and lower stress in the body.
“What you focus on expands. So focus on what you want, not what you do not want.” ― Esther Jno-Charles
Our skin is a mirror organ of what is happening internally. Watch was is happening on the skin. Any imbalances will start to show such as acne, redness, dryness and hormonal imbalances.
Find what works best to relieve stress - this is unique to everyone. For some, it can be yoga or a hot bath, others enjoy some alone time with tea and a good book. Sometimes it’s even just some solo time or an earlier bedtime. If you’re short on time, try some deep belly breaths. Take the time to slow down and allow a reset.
5. Create more joy in your life.
Carolyn, EGB’s Digital Marketing Manager finds joy in running. Here she is with her mom in 2019!
Have you ever heard someone tell a pregnant woman they are glowing? When someone experiences something joyful it brings a "glow" back to them.
Find ways to bring small joys everyday. Light a candle that makes you happy, go for a walk, add a healing mask as night for your skin, journal, take time to think about the best part of each, day. Or plan a date night with your partner, or a girls night with big belly laughs and a bottle of wine. Surround yourself with people that bring you joy.
Finding joy is different from stress relief, though one might be a product of the other. Get out there and celebrate something (even if it’s small) - good energy vibrates and the more you can create or absorb joy the more joy you’ll have!
6. Healthy Skin Affirmations:
Affirmations are powerful and don’t often get a lot of credit. “As a type of positive self-talk, affirmations can help you alter subconscious thoughts. Repeating a supportive, encouraging phrase gives it power, since hearing something often makes it more likely you'll believe it. In turn, your belief makes it more likely you'll act in ways that make your affirmation become reality.” source
Daily skin affirmations -
My skin is beautiful and reflects the life I have created.
My skin is healthy and in balance
I am grateful for my healthy and clear skin
Everyday my skin is becoming more glowing and radiant and is reflecting how I care for my body and soul.
(choose your own) I seek joy in today and will work to relieve stress
If you are working on an imbalance in the skin, try mixing in some of these -
My skin and I are working together to find the best treatment and heal my skin, body and soul.
I love my skin and it is teaching me how to be better in my body.
I love all of my imperfections and know it does not change the person I am inside.